Master the mental f*ckery & change lives with your leadership

Leadership Coach
Mental F*ckery Wrangler
Serial Houseplant Murderer

Odalis, a woman with long, wavy, dark brown hair smiling brightly and wearing a dark blue knitted sweater and simple gold necklace

Hey, I’m Odalis &…

Honestly, I never (not even in a fleeting moment of a wet-hot fever dream) considered doing leadership coaching until a friend suggested it with a tone of such obvious matter-of-factness that my brain glitched for 10.34 seconds straight.

The words strolled out of her mouth and I immediately knew three things (which probably explains the glitch):

  1. I should abso-f*cking-lutely be leadership coaching

  2. I’ve been doing leadership coaching (for yeeaarrrssss)

  3. I’m 100% going to try and convince myself that I can’t be a leadership coach

The first thought felt like a truth…

That had always been a part of me and suddenly popped out of the nearest linen closet saying,

“Finally! I’ve been hiding here forever waiting for your ass to find me!”

The second thought felt like an embarrassment punch to the gut for not realizing it sooner since I had been coaching people on leadership for over five years (I just didn’t think to call it that).

And the third thought, well, that was just me knowing my mind’s classic f*ckery well enough that it always goes there when I considered doing anything “new” (even when it’s not actually new and is really something old with a fancier label).

So I ran with the first thought…

Supported it with the second thought…

And dismissed the third thought after a few days of playing ping-pong-doubtiness with my mind.

Here’s the thing about thoughts…

Our minds throw them at us to keep us safe which usually means keeping things the same to avoid any pain or discomfort. This is why even when you’re just considering doing something new or different, you’ll feel anxious, doubtful, and resistant.

This is why I love coaching.

Because coaching is all about getting past the 6,289 things that get in the way of doing what we want, need, and crave to do.

It’s with those skills that I am able to win 95% of the ping-pong-doubtiness matches against my mind.

(The remaining 5% is for the matches that are still ongoing because that’s life with a mind designed like ours and also perfection is a ridiculous expectation anyways.)

And it’s those skills that can support you in leading differently…

If you’re a leader who wants to go against “the way it’s always been done”…

If you want to create more good, more support, more love, more compassion, more honesty, more acceptance, more understanding, more unabashed humanness at work and in the world, then…

It’s normal to face plant into resistance.

Resistance from your boss and leadership, the culture at your workplace, and the expectations that push you further from what you want to create.

I know that alone can feel hard and chip away at your resolve over time.

Then you add to it the anxiety, doubt, and resistance created by your mind and it can feel like the party ended right when you arrived with the imported beer you had to drive two Costco’s over to find.

It can feel like there’s no point in trying anymore.

Like the only thing to do is survive.

The good news it that…

You can RSVP f*ck no to that sh*t show on a rollercoaster…

Yes, life will always keep life-ing and things won’t be happy or cheery all the time.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t create more of the good stuff for your people, more of what you want to see in the world.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t get past the resistance and mental f*ckery that tries to get in the way.

You are a leader and that means you get to influence and change things for your people.

You get to change lives with your leadership.

So go ahead and lead with empathy and compassion and support and respect and care.

Create and advocate for spaces where your people feel safe…

  • Where they aren’t counting the hours, minutes, and seconds until they can close Slack and chuck their laptops out the window…

  • Where they feel joy and fulfillment, and have the ability to pay their bills without feeling like sucking down huge globs of misery is required…

  • Where they are setup to succeed and contribute and grow in a supportive environment that treats them like actual humans instead of programmable worker drones…

And let’s do it together. Because, honestly, it’s easier, less overwhelming, and way more fun to do it together.

So message me to chat about what it could be like for us to do the work together.

There will be zero sales pitches of any kind and you don’t have to get on a Zoom or call. Our messages will only be about understanding what you’re looking for help with and us getting to see if our devastatingly gorgeous minds are a good fit to collaborate. I promise that at the very least you will get to vent to someone who gets it, lives it, and bought an overpriced timeshare there (like there’s any other kind).

You know those people you cross paths with and then you end up hoping your paths will cross again in the future? That’s Odalis.

Elizabeth Dunn, PHR

How We Can Work Together

Change Lives With Your Leadership: $5,500

In this personalized program, we will work closely together to help you develop the leadership skills to confidently (without your mental f*ckery getting in the way) support your team in doing their best work in a way that is more human-centered and doesn’t leave your people feeling like they’re forced to scarf down misery-soaked chicken fat every day.

About Me

I’m Odalis 👋🏼 (pronounced like “oh - dallas”) and I’m a coach and leader because it’s my way of creating more of what I want to see in the world. The support, the love, the compassion, the acceptance, the understanding, and simply more humans being human.

I've been leading and managing (meaning I've been elbows-deep in setting vision and strategy, playing referee for disagreements, and figuring out whether or not we can afford yet another $15/user/month subscription) for over 5 years. 

I've also been coaching since 2013—which, to me, is the perfect combo of helping people, having real conversations with adults who aren't the parents of the kids my kid goes to school with, and having limitless opportunities to grow and learn (and read books on my phone in the shower). 

I’m a certified coach through Mindvalley and I’m committed to ethical and equity-centered coaching which is why I’m a constantly learning member of the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching.

Badge for The Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching

For a little insight into the kind of impact that you can make as a leader when you show up and do things the way YOU want them to be, take a gander at these notes…

  • ‘Who is Odalis Salazar Mullins,’ you ask?

    You know those people you cross paths with and then you end up hoping your paths will cross again in the future? That’s Odalis.

    I had the opportunity to work with Odalis at a company called Knack. Although I was not a direct member of her team, I found myself constantly creating opportunities to connect with her. If I was working on a project needing collaboration, I’d reach out to Odalis. If I wanted feedback on how to handle a policy implementation, I’d talk to Odalis. If I wanted guidance on how to tactfully handle a sensitive situation, I’d elicit feedback from Odalis. Her productivity was awe inspiring but, more than that, her aptitude to cater solutions to the unique needs of those around her was truly unparalleled. Although she might be quick to get work done, it never came at the expense of deep consideration about the impact said work would have on the people she served. Her ability to strike the balance between quantity and quality is truly enviable and I often found myself trying to emulate that superpower.

    Our working relationship came to an end when Odalis made the decision to leave Knack, but I knew I needed to make every attempt to remain in touch. Selfishly, I did not want to give up the opportunity to continue learning from her. The relationship we’ve cultivated [since] is one that I will forever cherish because I know it has changed me for the better. 

    I emphatically recommend any opportunity one might be lucky enough to have with Odalis. Whether you're considering her as a mentor, team member, or even just a friend, I know the impact Odalis will have on the way you do work, think about the world, and engage with those around you will be forever improved. You can’t help but be a better person in her presence. 

    One of Odalis’s many fans,

    Elizabeth Dunn, PHR

  • Working under Odalis while at Knack was honestly a transformative experience for me, both professionally and personally. From day one, she took a personal interest in my growth, creating an environment where I felt seen, valued, and supported. Her human-centered approach to management has not only helped me unlock my potential but also allowed me to explore where I truly fit in this tech industry.

    I especially valued the fact that I could be honest with her, without fearing judgement or blowback. When I confided in her that I felt burnt out in my role, and that was negatively impacting my performance, she empathized and found ways for me to move around in the company so that I could find a role that was a better fit for where I was at that time.

    Odalis has a unique ability to listen deeply, understand individual strengths, and guide each team member towards success in a way that is authentic and empowering. Her leadership style isn't just about hitting metrics—it's about helping people find confidence in their abilities and creating opportunities for them to thrive. Through her guidance, I’ve been able to overcome self-doubt, clarify my career path, and ultimately find a role where I feel both challenged and fulfilled. I am genuinely grateful for her mentorship over the years and the way she championed my growth when working with her at Knack.

    Sarto Jama

Master the mental f*ckery & change lives with your leadership…

No matter what, you will have an impact on those you lead and the people around them. And you get to choose what kind of impact you have. What kind of space you want to create for your people. What kind of work they do and how they feel about it.

And you can do that in a way that fits you, your values and beliefs, your personality and preferences. There is no one “right” way to be a great leader. And we can work together to figure it all out.

Message me to chat about what it could look like for us to work together.

There will be zero sales pitches of any kind and you don’t have to get on a Zoom or call. Our messages will only be about understanding what you’re looking for help with and us getting to see if our devastatingly gorgeous minds are a good fit to collaborate. I promise that at the very least you will get to vent to someone who gets it, lives it, and bought an overpriced timeshare there (like there’s any other kind).

Odalis has a unique ability to listen deeply, understand individual strengths, and guide each team member towards success in a way that is authentic and empowering.

Sarto Jama