I want more good, more support, more love, more compassion, more honesty, more acceptance, more understanding, more unabashed humanness in the world.

Fancy a listen?

I want that for me, for you, and for every person in this world, now and in the future, no matter who they are and what they have (or will) do.

There have been times when I’ve felt like there’s just too much to do. That there are too many people suffering in the world to make any real impact.

But what I’ve learned is that I don’t have to do it all by myself and neither do you. If enough of us pick something and we do the work, put our belief, our love, our souls into the work, change will happen.

In fact, there’s no way for change not to happen.

In this situation, a little (from a single person) goes a long way when you add it to the contributions of so many others.

It’s like being on a team. We all come together, work together to create a bigger impact than our seemingly tiny contributions.

You’re not alone.

You have your team.

Even if you don’t know all of us, that’s okay. We are all still here and fangirl-giddy to meet you when you’re ready.

We’re all still working towards that more caring and supportive vision for the world.

As leaders, we have an incredible opportunity…

We get to influence and change things. We get to impact our teams, their lives, the lives of their families, and it keeps rippling out so much further.

We spend so much of our lives and our time at work, thinking about work, worrying about work, and trying to get it all done. We spend so much time there, and I just don’t want it to suck for people anymore.

That’s an aspect of people’s lives WE get to directly change.

Again, an incredible opportunity.

So let’s lead with humanness and compassion and support and respect and care.

Let’s create spaces where people feel safe. Where they actually enjoy themselves and aren’t counting the hours, minutes, and seconds until they can chuck their laptops out the window. Where they are setup to succeed and contribute and grow.

I care about each individual person and how they feel, how they get to live and experience life.

And work can be a part of life that doesn’t just leech away all the good.

Work can actually bring joy and fulfillment, and the ability to pay your bills without feeling like it’s a required soggy hot dog bun that you can’t escape choking down every day.

Let’s create the spaces we want to see more of while caring for and supporting each other.

You in?

Change Lives with Your Leadership

For leaders and managers who want to leverage the coolest f*cking thing ever... the fact that, as a leader, you get to change people’s lives every. single. day. without any corporate, toxic f*ckery. And this podcast and email series will show you how. So…

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