Change Lives With Your Leadership

For leaders and managers who want to leverage the coolest f*cking thing ever... the fact that, as a leader, you get to change people’s lives every. single. day. without any corporate, toxic f*ckery. And this podcast and email series will show you how…

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About the Host

Odalis wearing a navy blue knit sweater and with her long, wavy dark brown hair draped over her shoulder

Hey, I’m Odalis 👋🏼 and I’m a coach and leader because it’s my way of creating more of what I want to see in the world. The support, the love, the compassion, the acceptance, the understanding, and simply more humans being human.

I've been leading and managing (meaning I've been elbows-deep in setting vision and strategy, playing referee for disagreements, and figuring out whether or not we can afford yet another $15/user/month subscription) for over 4 years.

I've also been coaching since 2013—which, to me, is the perfect combo of helping people, having real conversations with adults who aren't the parents of the kids my kid goes to school with, and having limitless opportunities to grow and learn (and read books on my phone in the shower).

So it's no surprise that you'll catch me writing, speaking, and drawing naked stick figures about leadership, management, and coaching.